Tuesday, June 24, 2014

For believers

I look around and I see it: the world becoming more and more hateful of Christ-like things.  The Dugger's are the butt of jokes, we are the object of ridicule...stay at home mom's who submit to our husband's, work in our homes, and pour into our families: those women are brainwashed! Because who could ever make such a choice deliberately? Even women's lib has swung to the other side of the pendulum, abandoning woman who would choose domesticity, but being able to choose, wasn't that the point?

The bible spells it out, clear as living water, family will turn against family, hate for the truth will reign in this world. As people follow subjective morality, sin will lie down among us, and be seen as benign, " for there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." (Proverbs 14:12).  Gone even is the pretense of a Christian nation.

You Christian friend are rowing upstream. In a sound boat, traveling away from disaster, but never the less, it gets hard sometimes, teaching kids to paddle against the current; not capsizing the boat and drifting downstream.  I think this is why Paul spends the majority of the new testament encouraging his friends, extending them an oar.  So often, I feel like I can go it alone, here in my Hobbit hole, with a husband who loves me for who I am, I can put my nose down to the mess out there. But Christ doesn't call us to let one another gasp for breath.  We must extend, encourage, receive encouragement.

I have a card in my top drawer, I cried when I read it.  Your a good mom, she said....a life buoy.  These are hard times, invite a mom to coffee, write a note of thanks or encouragement, pray for one another, be a conduit of grace.  Do not let any who belong to Christ paddle alone, least of all yourself.