Friday, January 2, 2015

Reflections on the New Year

Happy New Years, reader! It's that time of year again, a time to assess the person we've become in the last year, and compare her to the person we want to be....I love a new beginning, slate like the crisp snow, we are a blank canvas, gessod by the Master, for a year of becoming. But alas, when the feeling of freshness wanes, I'm an all or nothing girl...the kind who seldom works out if she misses a Monday, who misses quiet time for a month because the week didn't go as planed, who throws the budget or the eating plan out the window when I've faltered.

  This year friends, I need a resolution for my resolutions.  I will be kind to myself. I will grow. If I don't feel up to interval training, I will opt for yoga. Life happens.  Three days a week is in fact, better than zero.  If I yell at my kids, fail to make my bed, skip church, eat unhealthily, miss quiet time, I will make a next best choice.  I will refuse to be a Monday person. My God's Grace is sufficient any day of the week.  And because I know that there is a little New Years, a measure of fresh start, any moment that we chose to make a more God honoring choice, I will make more progress than ever could with my old cloak of all or nothing, because kids will get sick, the unexpected will come up, I will have bad days.

It will be a slower road than I want it to, this new path to growth, but it will get me farther in the end, because instead of sprinting to a roadblock, I will keep steady along the path. I will see more of the scenery, I will let the lessons write themselves on my heart.  I have a feeling that when I step into the next New Year, I may be quite different. I hope, the same will be said for you.  Blessings my friends, may your resolutions go well with you, and when you fail, which indeed you will, may you find the grace you need to resolve again.