Monday, November 10, 2014

Good gifts

Every single year, I ask my kids what Christmas is really about, and they give me the correct answer, so we go on, saying we know what Christmas is all about, but doing what Christmas is only about in a way that has been twisted from its purpose so drastically that it's barley recognizable. (if you happen to be reading this blog and you are not a Christian, Welcome!, yes, I do know the pagan origins of the holiday, for the purposes of this post, I am talking about it's significance as relates to Jesus Christ, and what gives it true meaning for those of us who are followers of Jesus). Yeah, we usually do a little donating, but by and large this goes unnoticed by our children except as maybe a fun side shopping trip for our "adopted family" or whatever, but for the most part, sacrifice plays a much smaller roll than pretty dresses, toy catalogs, and a fancy tree.  So this year we had a family meeting wherein I told the girls that we are going to be brainstorming some ways to show Jesus' love to people, since this is after all, what Christmas is all about.  We came up with a few, and a prayer that God would show us needs that we could meet.  All in all, the girls went away with a feeling that they would be making some fun crafts for the elderly, and mom and dad would be donating as usual.

Fast forward to a few nights later when we were discussing gift ideas.  Morgan informed me that what she wanted for Christmas was the Frozen karaoke machine, you know, so that she can amplify her "Let it Go" vocals, so that no matter where in the house you may be, you can be sure to be able to enjoy them.  Now truly, I want to hear "Let it Go" belted in 6 year old glory a few more million times, I do, but as I told my wee Elsa, this year, we are doing one book, one clothing item, and one toy (a toy with about half the budget of the Karaoke machine), so that we have the money left over to fund our list. Maybe we could pick out coats and donate them to the kids at the shelter or somewhere. Less plastic junk cluttering up my house, and more Jesus, Win, win! If it would have been possible, I would have received a lethal ice shard to the vital organs. I told her that a six year old with a generous spirit would be likely to receive said karaoke machine for their birthday in January, whereas a 6 ear old who wanted someone else to freeze their buns so they could have  karaoke machine, probably wouldn't. Two and a half weeks delayed gratification, oh the pain! (So you see, happy endings abound, we will, after all be able to enjoy "let it Go!" in it's amplified version, with backup music, I can't wait.)

6 year old dramatics ensued, but so did a really great conversation with my daughter about real people who are not warm and who are hungry, so that we can have another trinket that won't even be important to us in the long run. (Insert more whining). It doesn't seem real to her, she has always had everything she needed. After a while though, big girl questions started to emerge, following Jesus is hard, how do I even hear him, how do I have a relationship with someone I can't even see, giving up what I want is so hard! It left me aching for her. I don't have simple answers to those questions. I did the best I could; I told her that the more we seek Him and His will, the more we talk to Him and read His word, the better we get at recognizing the voice of the spirit.  But, the truth is, I still struggle with those same things sometimes.  Alone, I prayed that my daughter would do those things, and I prayed that He would Please, please speak to her in a way that she could hear.

A couple days went by and I noticed a post on a buy/sell site for coat donations.  The school that the lady's children attended had great need.  I contacted her and told her about the coats.  I asked if we could meet up once I had them, and guess what Y'all.  It was Morgan's school! We wanted to bless kids who needed coats, but it was us who received the blessing of knowing that we have a God who listens, God who hears the prayers of kids who need coats, and those who need to know that God hears them, and that their prayers matter, that when you seek him, He will reveal himself. What a journey to be on with a child, to see them see the mysterious ways of Jesus for the first time, and what a God we have that works in ways unseen and bends down to listen to the prayers of each of his children.

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