Tuesday, February 23, 2016


It is 8:30 am, and I am still trying to sweep the fog from my brain. I took Baylie to school in my pajamas (for the billionth time this month), my house is a mess, I am exhausted and hoping I haven't missed anything major, like that near fiasco with the school Valentine's last week. My son does have on pants today, but only because he had to ride in the car. I am frayed and unravelling,....but I am full; so full.

For the first time in years I am singing. Another student of my voice teacher mentioned that the opera chorus was short handed, and so I landed among them, a small insignificant piece in a magnificent drama....a dedicated group of people who volunteer their time because they are passionate about creating art. This art form is so transient; months of work will come to fruition and fade in three hours, but their passion is inspiring and undimmed.

Honestly, when the opportunity arose, the first thing that crossed my mind was, "Nope, certainly not....way past my bed time, " but nipping persistently on the heals of that though was the nagging wonder of what memories I would have at the end of my days if I let anxiety drive me. Who would I become if I am ruled by fear? One day at a time, God sustains me, and one day at a time I am able to participate in something beautiful, and no matter how exhausted I am, I appreciate where I am, because either I am with talented committed artists crafting a work of beauty, or I am at home with my loves. No matter where I am, I would not rather be anywhere else, and that is, for a season, worth the cost of the fatigue, the mess, the hectic chaos.

What is it that kindles a blaze in you? Is it time to set fear aside and press against your perceived limitations? What could you be capable of just outside of your comfort zone? What would it cost you to find out? Like winter, a season of dormancy can be healing and productive, but when spring comes, let us not hesitate to bloom.

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