Thursday, July 5, 2012


I just had to share with you this little testimony of the power of the Holy Spirit.

Last night after the kids were in bed, my husband and I sat down to watch a sermon on parenting that we had missed.  After it was over and we were discussing it, my husband told me that he needs to read his bible, so that we are making sure to use it in our daily life with our kids, so that word centered reasoning becomes our automatic response, and we aren't missing teachable moments.

It brought me back to what seems like not long ago when I felt the Holy Spirit working in my life, and I asked him if he thought it would impact our marriage negatively if I were to become a Christian, and he said, "I don't care what you believe, as long as it doesn't change you, or our life."


That's right, I don't mind if you are a leopard, as long as you don't have any spots, or fur, and as long as you don't eat meat! But, he came to church with me a few times, and then more; he tried small group, and liked it.....and look who's a leopard now my friends, spots and all.


  1. What a beautiful testimony! Look where your step of faith has lead you and your family. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love that! Nothing made my man sexier to me than when he because a leopard...spots and all!!!!
