Friday, February 7, 2014


In 2006 I was working as a CNA at St. Vincent Health Care when my cousin Shane and his young family were in a terrible car wreck. Shane and his 6 month old baby Elllie did not survive. His wife Casey was brought to us at St. V's. Shane was a pastor, and a man of great faith and passion for Jesus, and the strength of Casey's faith is and was awe inspiring. Through her terrible journey to recovery and healing, I witnessed daily as God's provision literally gave her her daily bread, minute by minute He gave her what she needed to survive her loss and endure the grueling physical therapy required for her healing.  Each day through gritted teeth she patiently did all that was asked of her with praise for her savior on her lips.  She was a light of Christ in the darkness, singing praises to her Lord even in the blackest nights of the soul, through which I began to glimpse His awesome power, and began to crawl my way toward Him. Casey recently submitted a book proposal for her story, and I cried tears of joy at the redemptive power of our God, and how many people will draw near to Him because of her bravery in sharing her loss.

It got me to thinking about His pursuit of me. The way he sent me what I needed at different times in my life.  The way he protected me even before I came to Him, because I was His. Often, his presence came in the form of Christians.  Even long before I was ready, He sent them to me. First, when I was 6 my mom had a friend name Dean Quam who introduced me to Jesus, and took me to Sunday school, then, He gave me my real dad and his family the Ewens, who gave me a foundation, then in college on a anthropology rafting trip a girl named Lilly Huth who read her bible every day, who wore her passion for God openly, answered my questions and ministered to me, then my friend Nicole when I lived in Washington, and then Chelsea Czeczel, who invited me to Harvest. Most of them have drifted from my life, but I never forgot them. They became (to quote the Lord of the Rings) "the small stones that cause a great avalanche." Casey was the beginning of the land slide in my heart.

These Christians didn't try to convert me, they reflected the love of God, like the moon reflects the light of the sun. It is a grey rock, but illuminated, it becomes an unforgettable beauty. Evangelism isn't one moment or conversation. It is evidence of God's relentless pursuit throughout a life time. It isn't one persons push, but many people's openness, availability, and love that you remember in the hopeless moments.  It is these who lead you to Him in His own time. Many of us are shy about proclaiming Jesus. We are afraid to be pushy or awkward.

The story is being written, and only the author sees it's completeness.  Though your part in someone's life may be large or small, never underestimate the impact you may have. You may be holding the last stone that can cause an avalanche of redemption.

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