Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Check your rugs

I am a creature of routine, so every Tuesday, I sweep and mop the wood floors. Every single week it amazes me that even though I don't intentionally sweep things under the rugs, icky stuff finds it's way there every time. Today as I was doing this it reminded me of how sometimes the same things happen in our hearts.  I like to think that I am a person who deals with my stuff, but recently, while reading some very insightful works (check out One Thousand Gifts and The Shack), I have been called out on how much is under my rug and stuffed in my closet when it comes to my relationship with God. I am a fantastic hypothetical Christian, but when it comes down to trusting God, as a verb, rather than an intellectual concept; when it comes to going His way, I choose anxiety and anger way more than I choose gratitude and patience. Am I trusting that God's way is best and that I believe he is good. No. And you know who I hurt when I choose that path? Mostly myself, because God's way is His way because it's best, not because He likes arbitrary rules.

A lot of people advocate against organized religion.  It has issues, so they prefer to go it on their own.  I get that, but sometimes we need our churches, good writing, and close friends to help us get a new perspectives.  We need to check our rugs more often, and sometimes, we just can't see what's under there with out someone else holding up the rug so we can get a look. I really believe this is one huge reason why God calls us to do life in fellowship, and also partly why He gives us marriage, because it's harder to leave your nasties under the rug when someone else might see them, and it's easier to get them out with help. We just grow better together. It's hard sometimes to look at yourself that closely, and not like what you see. I think that's another function of marriage, by the way, as a picture of God's love for us....someone has seen all that junk and loves me anyway.

So there it is folks, nothing fancy or lovely today, just a friendly reminder to check your rugs, and surround yourself with wise caring people who aren't afraid help you tackle any lurking dust bunnies.

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